Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Golden Spider

I have a new spider.

This is Gea heptagon. Not very big but I hope she will hang around for a while and get a bit bigger. Right now just a 1/4 inch but could more than double I'm sure. What let me spot her yesterday was the glint of gold as the sun caught her abdomen. I wish the camera had caught that better but a new species is a new species.
G. heptagon describes the oddly shaped body. The second picture here captures the 'humps' much better.

It seems I also have a small golden fly that I need to I.D. yet
UPDATE: BugGuide tells me Condylostylus (possibly C. caudatus)

And the new dragonfly, the one I hadnt recorded before last Saturday is now everywhere.
The Common Baskettail

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